A gleeful game show pitting four generations against each other to find out which generation is the most right about everything

Unlike any other gameshow, winning a point for their generation seems to matter to people. People care about their generational point of view and want so badly to be right. But we are all insane in our own generationally-specific way and we have every reason to look after each other - it’s a heartwarming and interesting conclusion after a daft fight every time.
“When you are born shapes you even more than your family background. It’s fascinating finding out the truth behind the stereotypes. And we’ve definitely got one thing in common: each generation is unhinged in its own unique way.” Samantha Day

Ollie This is one of the best shows you’ll ever see during the fringe.
Helen and Rob We saw her for the first time at the Fringe last year and so our expectations were high! She did not disappoint.
Rona Turned up not knowing what to expect, well what can I say.. it was great, so funny . Samantha got the whole audience involved and everyone was laughing the whole way through. Was a great end to my day at the Fringe.
Tony Very clever format and brilliantly presented by Samantha Day.Great fun and really gets the audience involved
Lisa The most laughs I've had at the fringe. Star prize goes to Samantha Day for creating great fun, lots of laughs, fab competition. Loved the concept and the props. Going with someone you know, especially if they're a partner or relation makes it even funnier.
Katie Laughed so much, I nearly wet myself ( I'm a Gen X woman, so should have been prepared!)Samantha had the audience participating and enjoying the show from the first line to the last - the competition between the generations was fierce, but friendly.
Darren What a show! Consistently on theme, hilarious mix of observation comedy and audience interaction makes it not just a great show but different every night depending on who is in. A very clever set up, weaving a gameshow format with a polished routine, definitely one to catch. Go Team Gen X!
David What a brilliant night - Samantha was constantly hilarious with her routine and working with the audience. Her observations on the generations got perfect reactions from the crowd and the atmosphere fed on itself. Just great fun.
Fiona Great fun. Irreverent but affectionate reflections on the inconsistencies and prejudices of the different generations.
Dom Absolutely brilliant show, I did not stop laughing for the entire duration. My friends and I still quote the jokes from the show. A must see for comedy lovers!
Martin Clever “game” scenario between the ages. From baby boomers to Millennials. Non stop fun and gags.
David Just brilliant. Thought provoking, irreverent and very. very funny. Sam has captured the absurdities of our generational divides in a warm -hearted but caustic way. Highly recommended.
Salma Great show! Super funny! Energy is great, and super entertaining!
Steve A brilliantly funny insightful review based upon the generations of baby boomers generation X millenniums and whatever the other ones are.